Scoliosis is a condition of the spine, in which there is lateral curvature, and rotation of the vertebra.

Adolescent idiopathic Scoliosis usually becomes apparent during the growth spurt just before puberty. This can be hard to detect, and may just look like “bad posture”. Early detection is very important because it allows for more options for the treatment approach, and greater success within those options.

Dominique has recently traveled to Slovenia to further her studies in the management of scoliosis, completing the SEAS (Scientific Exercise Approach to Scoliosis) training. This method was designed by Italian Physiotherapists’, and boasts the highest rate of success by combining exercise specific intervention with a technique called ASC (Active Self Correction) in which the client is taught how to re-position their own spine, in order to actively reduce their curves. This correction is then implemented into the clients every day life. Treatment can also include collaboration with bracing specialists if required.

Dominique also treats De-Novo Scoliosis, which is scoliosis appearing or worsening in the adult years.


early detection is key for successful treatment

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